The main tool corner…
The band saw, router, lathe and grinding machine and a shelf of hand tools.
Finishing supplies etc
Buffing arbor, bench saw, air compressor with spray equipments, bench grinder, fillers, colors, stains, finishes and solvents etc.
The assembly desk
The test amp - Tech 21, Guitar parts, pickups, fingerboards, thrust rods, neck materials, wires for electronics and a lot of special luthier tools for guitar work.
The workshop left side
The work corner for assemblies, soldering, intarsia/inlay work etc.
The workshop right side
Various of fret wires, sanding papers, radius sanding blocks, grinding plate, planer, vertical drill measuring tools and a lot of hand tools and clamps.
The workshop front side
This is a confined space and it's important to clean up after each work because it gets very dirty easy.